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Price: $97.00

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Course Description

In The Gamma Mindset Free Flow Program you learn how to rapidly reprogram your subconscious mind and create a peak functioning brain state with The Gamma Mindset Technique © and you also learn ‘EFT-x’ to eliminate your specific anxieties, fears, self-doubts and all emotional stress. As the program is ‘Free Flow’ you create and use your own belief statements which is all explained or you could also use those from the Gamma Mindset Book if you have that.

Discover How You Can:

  • Eliminate Anxiety, Fear and Self-Doubt and All Emotional Stress.
  • Rapidly Reprogram Your Subconscious Limiting Beliefs with New Empowering Beliefs and Habits.
  • Create a Peak Functioning Brain State in 60 Seconds.
  • Activate the High Performance Flow State.

Once you’ve completed the program it’s there for you whever you need it and you can use it as often or as little as you feel the need.